Monday, July 03, 2006

Managing your time to speed up the creative writing process

The only time constraints are those of your own making. This is not a race and you are not competing with anyone else, so don’t rush.

1. Make out an action list for every day of your new adventure but don’t overload it.

2. Never start on tomorrow’s work today. Tomorrow will be time enough.

3. Take a break when hit a snag. Rest, go for a walk, watch a movie – and come back refreshed.

You will work best during your most creative time of the day or week. We have already established that for some people, that is very early in the morning; for others, late at night or over the weekend. Try to discover when your creative moments occur and capitalise on them.

Don’t work when you’re tired or jaded. You run the risk of turning out garbage and opening the door to disillusion

When you’re surfing the Net for information, always be on the lookout for items of relevance to your project. These could be in the form of articles and reports. They are in the public domain, so incorporate extracts if you feel they would enhance your content. If you need author consent, ask for it; permission will not be unreasonably withheld.

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