Sunday, April 30, 2006

You’ve never seen an e-book like this one...

The greatest minds of our day have contributed their best work to help you succeed.

You really have never seen an e-book like this one...

Ordinary People Can Achieve Their Lofty Goals - an exceptional e-book by David DeFord

Experts from the top of the personal development field have contributed their tips and encouragement to help you live the life you want.

You will gain wisdom from Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Michael Angier, and 50 others - including yours truly – Jim Green (shucks…)

Learn how to finally achieve your lofty goals

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I have a gift for you today to brighten up your weekend...

I just had to share this with you.

And I am glad to offer you what I think is the one of best values I have ever posted on this blog.

Nothing to buy, but you get three secret reports absolutely free with no strings attached.

There are even unadvertised bonuses available after you sign up…


Friday, April 28, 2006

Would You Like to Start Building Huge Opt-In Lists on Autopilot at Little or No Cost?

If you answered ‘yes’, then I have something amazing for you today…

If you are in a hurry, just click here:

My friend Wes Blaylock has just come out with one of the slickest and easiest tactics for building multiple opt-in lists on complete autopilot that I have ever seen...

Best of all, his whole concept is incredible simple to do and you don't need your own product, lots of money, much experience or any crazy stuff like that.

A baby could do this…

There is one catch though; Wes is pricing the product dirt cheap to start (only $5) and the price increases in small increments every 20 minutes!

Go here right now before the next price increase…

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why Writing Part Time Works Best for Some Authors

Most established authors start out writing on a part time basis and while many go on to make a career of the art form, others find it more convenient to continue writing part time for a number of reasons, including:

1. They are at liberty to pursue other commercial interests.

2. They prefer to use their creative skills as an outlet from workaday pressures.

3. They derive therapeutic benefits from part time writing.

4. They find it hones their expertise in diverse directions.

5. They reckon it adds to the quality of life.

6. They enjoy financial advantages from a second income.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Developing a Distinctive Title for Your Book

The title of your book depicts the very first words that anyone reads; it is the catalyst that determines whether anything else is read.

As such it is an instrument of ultimate consequence.

When the title is plumb center, it hits the bull's eye; when it's off center, it's off the wall.

Treat the development of a distinctive title as essential work that you cannot start on too soon, but never settle for the first suggestion that springs to mind, no matter how brilliant it strikes you at the time.

Keep working on it, polishing it, developing the power words that will transform it into a masterful catch phrase that compels the prospect to turn the pages.

Even when you have done all this to your satisfaction, you may find that a publisher alters it.

Don't balk or consider the change as interference. Publishers know better than authors do what constitutes a winning title.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Creating Mental Movies in the Reader's Mind

Writing filled with descriptive words that convey action is the secret to making your reader see, feel and act on what you say.

Use illustrative verbs and nouns to produce pictures in the mind. Specific ideas and descriptions create mental movies that the reader can soak up instantly.

Abstract ideas create no such images and are therefore inept at arousing interest. They are weak and make reading boring.

Which claim below has more impact for you?

Increase your profits substantially and quickly with this formula


Make 100 per cent more money in less than 6 weeks

You can easily see that the second claim carries much more impact. Strive to make every sentence in your text clear, direct and specific. Money is a definite thing; you can touch it, feel it and see it in your mind’s eye.

100 percent is specific while 'substantially' is weak and tells you nothing.

Never write with vague language that the reader cannot instantly grasp.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Grab A Stack Of Top 10 Search Engine Rankings ...

If MSN, Google and Yahoo are really kicking your butt in the search engines and if you are frustrated by not being able to get any top search engine rankings...

Then You Need To Get Blog Announcer Pro Right Now.

Imagine being able to buy the same software that Internet Marketing Professionals are using today to make them mega-bucks in the search engines, and being able to download it immediately to start generating hundreds of High PageRank one way backlinks to your blogs.

The best part is that you can use it over and over again to get targeted traffic each and every time for any keywords you want.

You will literally be able to fill your wheel barrow up with a ton of free traffic and direct it to any profit pulling website you want.
If you are a blog owner, affiliate marketer or just a website owner screaming for more traffic then you better unplug the phone, grab a drink and get ready to be amazed.


Because there is some brand new software that will give you high quality one way backlinks for any keyword you want and all in just a few minutes work.

Now this is not some spam machine blaster that will fire off submissions to every directory out there. This incredible new software has been loaded up with the best of the best Blog and RSS directories known to man.

It will then automate the submission process making getting one way links from PR4 and above websites a breeze...even if you are a computer dummy who has not yet worked out the difference between the 'Delete' and 'Enter' keys....

This will then give you an unfair advantage over your competition and give you an easy short cut to top search engine rankings at lightening speed.

Grab A Stack Of Top 10 Search Engine Rankings ...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Why You Should Never Dispose of Your Research Data

Quite simply because you never know when it might come in handy.

The questions to which you found answers for one project will return again and again in different guises when you set about researching new book concepts.

Never dispose of any research material; store it away for future reference. You may have to do some updating but even so, the task won’t be nearly so difficult with a benchmark to start from.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

How to Top and Tail Your Book and Why

To top and tail your niche non-fiction book is to equip it with a preface (or introduction) and a persuasive sales 'blurb' for the back cover.

Neither of these tasks is to be undertaken lightly and you would do well to delay execution until after you have completed the text.

Do not be tempted to take the easy way out by padding them with extracts from the book. That simply does not work and in any case no publisher would allow it.

The preface and the back cover blurb each have a distinctive function to perform and their respective contributions are germane to the success of your work.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Milking Book Ideas For All They’re Worth

My latest book “How to Earn Money in Retirement” (How To Books ISBN 1845281128) has just been published and hits the bookstores in early May 2006.

As I was writing the mss about nine months ago it occurred to me that there might be another book lurking right there in the text. Accordingly I took notes; mentally deleting a chapter here and adding a few more there, expanding on a topic, sketching out another, and so on.

As a result of this dual tasking I started writing a new book immediately after finishing the project in hand and decided to submit a proposal sooner rather than later.

Next up I received an email from one Nick Hutchins, the freelance reader reviewing the text for “How to Earn Money in Retirement”. Nick’s message simply read, ‘Do you realize you have another book here?’ To which I equally succinctly responded, ‘Yes, I know, and I’ve just submitted a proposal’.

Now it just so happened that Nick had a meeting scheduled with the publishing house a few days hence at which he raised the subject of two books in one.

In the mail today I received a contract for the second book, “How to Grow Your Small Business Rapidly Online” with a publication date of April 2007.

The point to this dissertation is: always be on lookout for additional niche markets for the book you are currently writing and milk your idea for all it’s worth.

The first book is aimed at active retirees and the second at go-ahead small business owners in all categories. I might dig deeper to ascertain whether other niche opportunities lie dormant in the original text.

The majority of niche non-fiction topics are capable of this sort of clinical analysis and it is worth pursuing because if you get a proposal accepted for one specific niche, you will more often than not get another proposal similarly accepted if your subject matter is in similar vein.

If you’d like to learn more on how to milk your books for all they’re worth, visit this website

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The WIITM Question and Why You Must Address it in Every Page of Your Book

What's in it for me?

That’s the only question on the reader's mind.

Give your most powerful answer to that question in the title; sustain the momentum in your chapter headings/subheads/sub-subheads, and develop the logic of your reasoning in the text. Neglect to address the WIIFM question at the outset and you will lose the reader before you even get started.

People who read niche how-to books are looking for what they can get, have, be or do. They need to know immediately what's in it for them or you will lose them to some other book that succeeds in telling them what's in it for them.

Talk to the reader as though you were engaging in one-to-one dialogue and always remember that the word ‘you’ should be used in the text 100 times more than ‘I’.

Readers have their own priorities and are only concerned with how they will profit by reading what you have to say and so the text must progressively reveal what they will get from studying the content of your book.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Avoid Over-Egging the Cliches

We are all fond of using cliches and we tend to use them without realizing we're doing so.

And why not?

They automatically summarize situations where it would be difficult to achieve the same result in our own words.

Try though not to use them too often and never over-egg the mix; it irritates the reader.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Educate, Inform, and Motivate Your Readers

Your purpose as a writer of creative niche non-fiction is to educate, inform and motivate your readers.

Provide them with a continuous stream of knowledge and inside information they didn't know before and you are a hundred times more likely to win their confidence.

When the reader learns something new from you on almost every page it adds tremendous credibility to your book.

It gives a very powerful sense of realness about you and your teaching.

Trust is established and the beginnings of a positive relationship.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Discover the Secrets to Churning Out Bestsellers

Writers who consistently cut the mustard do so because they have a masterful formula, a plan, a winning strategy for topic selection, composition, proposal submission, acceptance, publication and promotion.

Now you can have such a plan at a fraction of the price you would expect to pay.

Why Not to be Dismayed if Your Topic is Already Covered

What if the topic for your new book is already listed in the publisher's catalog and not just once but twice or even three times?

What if some of these titles have already knocked up multiple editions?


There is documented evidence of consumer demand for your topic. Self-help publishers are always on the lookout for acceptable alternatives to top selling products.

It's a case of market forces and the in-house competition factor coming into play; like several leading brands of detergent powder emanating from the same manufacturing source.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Why Guides, Manuals, How to Books are Always in Demand

No one willingly volunteers for instruction unless there is more, much more than mere passing interest in the topic, and therein lies the market for quality guides, instruction manuals and how-to books:

Qualified, targeted prospects

You are preaching the partially converted: all the more reason then that you run your expertise through all the tests to ensure its validity.

Your knowledge must be superior to that of the reader and it must be quantifiably so. Unsubstantiated opinion has no place in this classification of non-fiction and so you must validate all that you think you know and expand upon it responsibly with every means at your disposal.

This calls for intensive research and without it you will end up with egg all over your face because your manuscript will never get past the first reading stage of any professional publisher you might approach.


Friday, April 14, 2006

Establishing the Depth of Your Knowledge

Never take for granted that you already know enough about your special subject to fill a book. No one is that clever. Spend some time testing out the depth of your knowledge by making lists of what you know and what you don't know. Take particular note of those areas that require substantiation or where you are lacking corroborative detail.


This is where you start your research and it is so important that the whole of the next chapter is devoted to the subject. Most of what you need you will find online at home or in the free-to-use 'active learning' centres provided by your local library where you can double up by accessing appropriate hard copy references manuals.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Managing Your Time to Speed Up the Creative Writing Process

The only time constraints are those of your own making. This is not a race and you are not competing with anyone else, so don’t rush.

Make out an action list for every day of your new adventure but don’t overload it.
Never start on tomorrow’s work today. Tomorrow will be time enough.

Take a break when hit a snag. Rest, go for a walk, watch a movie – and come back refreshed.

You will work best during your most creative time of the day or week. We have already established that for some people, that is very early in the morning; for others, late at night or over the weekend. Try to discover when your creative moments occur and capitalise on them.

Don’t work when you’re tired or jaded. You run the risk of turning out garbage and opening the door to disillusion

When you’re surfing the Net for information, always be on the lookout for items of relevance to your project. These could be in the form of articles and reports. They are in the public domain, so incorporate extracts if you feel they would enhance your content. If you need author consent, ask for it; permission will not be unreasonably withheld.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Creating Chapter Headings, Subheads, and Sub-Subheads

The creation of chapter headings, subheads and sub-subheads constitutes the first vital contribution to the writing up of your project. When you get this right, the strain is off and fulfilment begins to take over. Get it wrong and you will struggle.

There is no easy way and no quick formula fixes; you must develop these essential 'bandings' until they meet with your ultimate satisfaction. You will know instinctively when you've got them right, and when you do, your creativity will flow freely and the manuscript will take shape faster than you ever thought possible.

It will take shape in your subconscious as you sleep, as you walk, as you travel to work, collect the kids from school or pick up the weekly shop.

Now you can start to think about writing your book.

Chapter headings

These are the major signposts to the delineation of the core elements in your teaching module. Make them vibrant and follow the rules on creating action to stimulate reader involvement.


These are secondary directional tags that lead the reader into strands of vital information under each chapter heading. Keep up the action and interest in their formulation.

The 'hidden persuader' influence of sub-subheads

If you turn back for a moment to the contents list for this book you will observe that only the chapter headings and main subheads are featured. Now look at this list relating to Chapter 4 (extracted from the working notes) where the sub-subheads appear italicised in parenthesis for the purpose of illustration.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Structuring the List of Contents for Your New Book

Compare the writing of your book to that of the task facing an artist painting a landscape.

The artist envisages in advance the composition of the picture (your list of contents), makes rough sketches of essential features (your draft copy) and arrives at a balanced decision on execution. The artist has choices on technique for implementation and so do you.

Why You Should Complete This Before You Write Anything

When you work away conscientiously on compiling the list of contents in advance, you open the door to these choices on how you will tackle the actual writing of your book.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Developing a Distinctive Title for Your New Book

The title of your book depicts the very first words that anyone reads; it is the catalyst that determines whether anything else is read.

As such it is an instrument of ultimate consequence.

When the title is plumb centre, it hits the bull's eye; when it's off centre, it's off the wall.

Treat the development of a distinctive title as essential work that you cannot start on too soon, but never settle for the first suggestion that springs to mind, no matter how brilliant it strikes you at the time.

Keep working on it, polishing it, developing the power words that will transform it into a masterful catch phrase that compels the prospect to turn the pages.

Even when you have done all this to your satisfaction, you may find that a publisher alters it.

Don't balk or consider the change as interference.

Publishers know better than authors do what constitutes a winning title.

Remember too that a powerful sub-title that sells the title itself is of equal necessity.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Adopting Proven Formatting Techniques In Niche Non-Fiction Writing

Taking the trouble to familiarize yourself with the various formatting techniques employed by the how-to publishing industry will also help enhance your chances of producing a bestselling title.

How the title commands immediate attention
How the cover design varies from one publisher to another
How the contents list is laid out
How illustrations are employed to support the text where appropriate
How, where and where bullet points are included to highlight key aspects
How appendices are compiled to assist the reader
How the preface sparks off initial curiosity
How the back cover 'blurb' sells the book

This is vital work because should you choose to approach a publisher with sample material devoid of appropriate formatting, your proposal is unlikely to be treated seriously.


Creating your own style comes evolves through practice, coupled with affording due diligence to the systematic approaches employed by established writers in the how-to genre. Study the various techniques and learn from them. When you writing exudes distinction you become recognisable in the industry and among the book buying public.


When the commissioning editor of a publishing house examines your proposal he/she is looking for more than the ability to write clearly and concisely on the chosen topic.

You must demonstrate mastery of your subject
You must demonstrate the potential to produce further works in your specialist area
You must demonstrate a grasp on publishing techniques
(Extracted from my book Secrets to Churning Out Bestsellers)

Friday, April 07, 2006

Why You Should Never Dispose of Your Research Material

Why? Quite simply because you never know when it might come in handy. The questions to which you found answers for your first project will return again and again in different guises when you set about researching on new book concepts.

Never dispose of any research material; store it away for future reference. You may have to do some updating but even so, the task won’t be nearly so difficult with a benchmark to start from.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Researching your first writing project...

This is a core objective and it's where your work begins in earnest.

Without efficient research you are blowing in the wind and your proposal for publication is unlikely to touch the vital nerve that captures the attention of commissioning editors. For many established authors researching is often the most fulfilling aspect of preparing a given topic for publication.

As you research you will find yourself uncovering diverse strands of critical new information that will tempt you veer off in other rewarding directions or even on occasion, change direction completely.


Let’s imagine you are intent on producing a resource manual notionally entitled How to Become an Expert on Light Bulbs (you wouldn’t, but let’s just hypothecate for illustration purposes).

Make out a list of the pivotal aspects of the subject.

It might pan out like this.

Light bulb sizes
Power requirements
Types of fitting
Novelty bulbs
Industrial bulbs
Lighting for sports stadia
Christmas lighting
Stage lighting
Street lighting
High intensity
Low intensity…and so on

Now compare this listing with your list of what you know, what you don't know, and annotate each item on the list accordingly; tick for 'yes', cross for 'no'.

Connect to the Internet and open your browser - choose a search engine and type in ‘light bulbs’.

Start collecting links for everything you come across.

Divide the links into categories and sub-categories.

Finding out what you need to know online shouldn’t prove too difficult.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Developing Your Own Slant on a Prescribed Topic

The ability to develop your own particular slant on a given topic also contributes to bestselling potential. Everyone has their own way of looking at things, describing how they work and what makes them tick.

When Napoleon Hill and Clement Stone got together to produce the famous self-help book Think and Grow Rich, they took the timeless and much worked concept of mind over matter and subjected it to the twist of two disparate viewpoints blending together to yield a rich harvest. Interestingly, although both names appear on the cover, there was only one author, Napoleon Hill, the architect of the slant that transformed their work into a bestselling book spanning eight decades in worldwide bookstores.

If you can find an unusual angle, a different approach or a hitherto unworked technique for your topic, you are on the way to developing the unique proclivity that will set your work apart from similar tomes.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Three Tasty Tips for Improving Your Creative Writing Output

Here are three simple but highly effective steps that most successful authors employ automatically to ensure that their writing output is always on target...

Grasp ideas as they occur

Ideas occur at the oddest moments. You might be asleep, walking the dog, in the middle of a meeting; intuition leaves no calling cards. It just strikes. When it does, pay attention or the moment may be lost forever. To give you an example: I got the idea on how to close my first bestseller when I was sorting out some old files - and that occurred before I had even started to work on the text…

Take pleasure in your own company and produce superior work

It's a fact. If it does not faze you to be totally on your own for an hour or two every day you will discover that indulging in introspection and cultivating innate intuition comes easy. As a result, your output will rapidly increase and improve in quality.

This is not to imply that gregarious people don't make good writers. They do, providing there is no necessity for a backdrop of din and chatter while they work.

Treat your creative writing as a part time business

It is a sound practice to take your writing activities so seriously that you treat them as you would any other part time home business. In other words, work to strict disciplines and hold yourself accountable for all that you do.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Now this really is cool!

I have a tip for you today if you would like to know how to build your own Adsense websites.

Recently I literally stumbled across a product that showed me how to create my own 5000 page information portal (website) with my Adsense code on each and every page.


I built my Adsense website with it and I can tell you this -- it really does work!

There are a bunch of products on Adsense. But this one was different for me. Here are some of the things I like about it:

1. This software actually 'creates' your Adsense websites automatically. No need to learn anything.

2. It comes with more than 25,000 'ready-to-use' articles (it also allows you to import your own articles)

3. Inserts your affiliate links on each and every page automatically

4. Adds your Adsense code on every page

5. Integrates banners that you promote

6. Plus a host of other great benefits

Discover the features of Cash-N-Content for yourself…

Introspection as a discipline for writing how-to literature?

Very much so, if you are to become all you can be writing in that genre.

In odd moments of your spare time when you are not writing, think over what you think you know for sure, and then put it to the test in small ways. For example, your project is embroidery and you are utterly convinced that a certain style of cross-stitching (which is to be the cornerstone of your teaching) is well within the capability of any novice. But is it? And how can you confirm your conviction?

Visit the local reference library and access several books on the topic (you'll find plenty). Compare alternative viewpoints to establish if you are on the right track or if at this early stage you should re-think your strategy.

Writing how-to literature is niche-carving and to be certain that your exposition of a topic will be convincing, you must be forever in touch with your thoughts and feelings as you string together the basic tenets for construction.


Introspection leads us neatly on to another essential discipline: making the most of your intuition. It is an incredible weapon to have at your command as a writer but intuition doesn't just happen and you cannot switch on at will until you first learn how to cultivate your innate power by listening to the inner voice that resides within.

There are several excellent works on the subject (including Trusting Your Intuition in the How-To-Books series) but here are some basic pointers to help you get started on your quest to reach the inner voice.

Slowing down and listening to the inner voice

Information is proliferating at such a frenzied rate today that even with personal computers and cellular phones (or perhaps because of them) your attention is stretched to the extreme. Not only do you have more facts about more diverse fields of information than ever before, you are also subject to a greater array of outcries and opinions.

Fortunately, beneath all the cacophony of the information age, the quiet truth about problem solving and decision making is always available to you. By learning to slow down and pay attention to what’s right under your nose, you have a chance to find your own authentic answers, unaided by media and technology. To do that you must build up your 'intuition muscle' and learn to center yourself in the present moment. It’s only at your core, in the here-and-now eye of the global information hurricane, that you can hear the inner voice.

How attuned are you to the subtle messages all around you?

Messages like those hidden behind your spoken communication.

There is guidance available to you at all times, just below the surface of logic, just after you stop pushing and striving, just before you jump to conclusions. By cultivating the ability to pause and be comfortable with silence, and then by focusing steadily and listening for the first sounds or feeling for first impressions, you can help your intuition wake up suddenly and enthusiastically, as if from a long winter’s nap.

In my own searching to cultivate the inner voice, I’ve learned to listen for the faintest of whispers, the nearly silent song. One of the most important skills in developing accurate intuition is the ability to tone down your domineering talk-addicted mind, which arrogantly thinks it knows how the world works without ever observing what’s happening in the freshly occurring present moment. To know clearly, you must learn to observe neutrally, and true observation can only take place with a silent mind.

Soften your awareness

Activating intuition always starts with a down gear shift into softness and silence. You’ll never receive accurate information with a chattering mind, clenched as tight as a fist. Recall a little later how you feel when you’re concentrating and worrying about finishing a chapter of your book in the time frame you've set yourself. Your brow is furrowed, you’re shackled to the task in hand, and you’re probably way ahead of yourself, anxious to achieve the intended goal.

This is your 'masculine mind' in operation; the kind of awareness men and women alike must use to achieve concrete results. You are in your linear, left-brained masculine mind so often, you’ve come to identify it as normal and you tend to forget that there is an equally powerful, complementary state of consciousness that is quiet, unhurried, highly creative and tension-free: the 'feminine mind', the right hand side of your brain. The feminine mind is not goal-oriented; it simply observes, includes, appreciates, and is present in whatever it notices.

Cultivate your intuition and it will serve you well in every writing assignment you undertake.