Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Niche Researching

An excellent method for conducting online niche research is to use the keyword suggestion tool provided by

At that page, enter a keyword relating to the potential niche feature you have in mind, and the tool will present you with the number of times that keyword was searched on via the network. It will also show the number of times related keywords were searched on.

This will give you an indication of what your possible niche bears for interest. If you find a decent amount of interest, say a few thousand or more combined monthly searches on keywords directly related to what you want to write about then you may be in a solid niche. Keep a file of the results of your keyword research.

Next, go to your favorite search engine and search on some of those same keywords. Keep a file of these results too. The information you uncover will be invaluable.

As you can readily appreciate, developing your concept requires some legwork and even after you have completed the research, you still have to write your book. But as with all good things, you get out of it only what you put in.

These online models for effective research can yield excellent results when done properly.

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