It's no secret that the quickest and by far most satisfying way to earn extra income is from where you are right now: online. And it isn't nearly as difficult as some people would have you believe.
For a start, you do not need to invest in the expensive paraphernalia touted mercilessly by so-called gurus: glitzy, high ticket, over-priced, all-singing, all-dancing concoctions of videos, audios, workshops, workbooks, phone-ins, talk-ins, mutual backslapping and suchlike theatricality.
All you really need to get started is a plan; a well constructed marketing plan such as you would use in any offline commercial scenario.
Rushing around willy-nilly to find success online will get you nowhere. No matter how hard you try you won’t find it that way, but do all the right things in the right order and success will find you.
1. What is my mission?
2. Will I stay local?
3. Will I go global?
4. Which type of website will I need?
5. What about a domain name?
6. What sort of offline activity will I engage in to promote my site?
7. How much should I set aside for start up costs?
8. How should I budget my time?
9. Is my core aim incremental income?
10. Do I want to expand in other areas?
11. Will I use the internet to establish an image?
12. How important to me is acquiring expert status in my niche?
13. Will I engage in marketing digital produce?
14. Will I be using electronically generated vouchers?
15. Will I use the internet to deliver superior customer service?
16. Will I use it to foster loyalty among my existing clientele?
17. Will I set in motion an online system for monitoring my competition?
18. Will I be sourcing new merchandise online?
19. Will I use online research to track market trends?
20. Will I use it to source new or additional suppliers?
21. Will I be offering an online ordering service?
22. Will I set up a free newsletter and solicit subscriptions?
23. Will I use video and if so, how will I use it?
There will be other questions you will want to add to this list and only you can come up with the answers; answers that will add flesh to the bones of your plan.
When the foundations of your marketing plan have been set in position you will be ready to move into overdrive in your endeavors to earn extra income online. You will be applying the nuts and bolts of your plan to evolve your own personal definitive marketing funnel.
LANDING PAGES – You will design landing (or squeeze) pages to collect reams of names and email addresses.
LIST BUILDING – You will build your own lists of responsive subscribers for catalytic fertility.
AUTORESPONDERS – You will have several of these to cope with your burgeoning promotional activities.
EMAIL – You will have several dedicated email addresses linked to your autoresponders.
DIGITAL PRODUCE – You will become expert at creating your own ever-growing stream of digital products and services.
SALES PAGES – You will learn how to compose sizzling sales letters to have prospects reaching for their credit cards.
PRODUCT LAUNCH – You will become adept at orchestrating perfect product launches.
MEMBERSHIP SITE – You will in time convert your existing website into a Membership Hub and attract ongoing online income.
UPGRADING – You will in tandem upgrade your initial produce to explode your sales.
FOLLOW UP – You will follow up forever on both your mushrooming prospects and confirmed buyers.
OPTIMISATION – You will optimize all of your marketing activities to extract maximum profitability.
To assist in the accomplishment all of the foregoing you would benefit from two unique software tools you can acquire at no charge from the website featured in the resource box below.