Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Position Your Research Findings in Sequential Order

Sift through the data, moving all items of prime significance to the top of the list and those of secondary and tertiary significance to middle and bottom respectively. This is how to position your findings in sequential order and it will be of immense assistance when you come to sketch out an initial outline of the content for your book.


When you have completed your research, do not indulge in any rash decision-making. Put all your findings to the back of your mind. Allow osmosis and catharsis to take over the work for a while - and just watch the ideas for execution spill out from your subconscious.


Now you can have a stab at producing the first outline of the list of contents: chapter headings and sub-heads. At the outset you will find yourself jumping all over the place, moving items from one section to another and perhaps even toying with the idea of starting the book from a direction entirely different to that initially envisaged.

Do not be fazed or irritated by any of this; you are in exploratory mode and a long way away from setting anything in stone.


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