Monday, December 19, 2005
The Book That Opened My Eyes To Making Money
And its content is not what you might think.
It contains no highfalutin strategies, no mesmerizing theory, no razzmatazz; just plain common sense in small but effective doses.
I picked up the tome out of interest, not specifically to learn how to make money, but I must confess that even this early its innate wisdom is starting to take root in my mind and I find myself being directed to develop additional streams of incremental income from what I already do to make money.
What this little book did for me was to ask questions that forced me to think outside the box and challenge limiting beliefs; replacing them with new, empowering thought patterns that will help me chase prosperity in directions with which I am already familiar.
The book captivated me from the very start because is it practical, inspiring and motivating.
It makes me realize that making money is not such a hard job at all and it demonstrates that no matter what you are doing or where you are, you can always find ways to make money.
In essence, this little book focuses on developing the correct mindset regarding money.
Okay, so there is no earth-shattering revelation in that premise because we all know that successful wealthy people are those who have a strong wealth psychology to attract more money in their life.
However, go about matters in the wrong way and all you manage to achieve is shooting yourself in the foot and sabotaging your dreams.
I’m glad I found this little book, I’m glad I read it, and now I intend to pursue the insights it has provided me on the prospects of enhancing my financial standing.
Discover For Yourself The Little Book That Captured My Imagination
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Would You Like To Own 10 Highly Profitable Websites?
Raam's terrific 'private-label-sites' package consists of 10 products along with FULL BLOWN websites that you can just stick' your name on and claim as your own!
You get:-
* 10 'hot-selling' niche products
* Private label rights
* Individual websites for each product
* Sales Copy
* Cool graphics
* Banner ads
* Advertising copy
* PPC Campaigns
* Keywords & Phrases
* JV Letters
* Upsell/Cross-sell offers
* Backend offers
* Affiliate signup page
* Articles for promotion
* Product reviews
* Shopping cart
* Quickstart User Manual...
You see... these are not just a bunch of products with resell rights.
You get all the 'selling' tools with each product.
But only 500 copies are available. Go right now and check this out immediately:-
A package like this could be sold off in hours. So hurry up - don't lose your chance to own 10 great websites today.
Success is yours…
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
How to Talk Your Way Out of Trouble at a Major Book Signing Event
What do you do at a major book signing event when you are confronted with a nervous client, an inflamed public relations consultancy – and 500 copies of some other author’s book instead of your own?
You may have read my recent post on how I received an invitation out of the blue to address a targeted audience of 500 newly-retired couples and engage thereafter in a book signing ceremony.
It sounds too good to be true and it almost turned out that way.
I arrived at the venue to be informed that my books had failed to show.
Oh, 500 hundred copies of a book had arrived okay, but not my book “Your Retirement Masterplan” (How To Books ISBN 1857039874).
Someone at the distribution warehouse had highlighted the wrong ISBN, clicked the mouse button, and provided their dispatch department with erroneous delivery details.
So what do you do when you are confronted with a nervous client, an inflamed public relations consultancy – and 500 copies of some other author’s book?
I recalled the gist of a chapter in my own tutorial which held me in good stead as I proceeded to…
- Assuage the client and their PR representatives and assure them that events would pan out satisfactorily;
- Request permission to re-jig the program and tag a 30-minute Q & A session onto the end of my talk;
- Telephone the warehouse and demand they courier PDQ 500 hundred copies of the correct book (fortuitously, the warehouse was only 25 miles away from the venue).
As it happens, the Q&A session went down a bundle with the audience and lasted for almost 60 minutes which was just as well because that’s when the copies of my book arrived.
Hardly a JIT delivery but welcome nonetheless.
What goes around come around and all in all I was pleased with the day’s work - and I got what I set out to achieve.
1. I had earned 10 percent in royalties from the bulk book purchase
2. I got to sign 500 copies individually for the attendees
3. I got the opportunity to pass around my business cards
4. I got to address the retirees in a 20-minute talk on the third age adventure with the added bonus of a 1 hour Q&A session.
5. I got the opportunity to promote my next book “How to Earn Money in Retirement” (due for publication in April 2006 by How To Books ISBN 1845281128)
6. I got 500 potential new customers for all my future books
7. I got an all-expenses paid trip to the venue
8. I got a substantial appearance fee
9. I got exposure from local television covering the event
Best of all to come out of the potential crisis was the fact that I won the trust of both the client and the consultancy and ended up with an invitation to repeat the exercise (minus the wrong books factor) on four separate occasions during 2006.
What helped me talk my way out of trouble at this major book signing event is the fact that I spent the bulk of my working life at the sharp end of marketing and I had seen it all before – and worse.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
My New Book Was Inspired By a Master Metaphysician
The collected works of this great man have been a constant source of motivation for me personally over the past 40 years, and he is the inspiration for my new book “Maximizing Mind Power to Enrich Retirement” (not due for publication until 2007 because I have two in the queue before it…)
From 1965 until his death in 1992 Vernon Howard wrote many books and conducted classes which reflect a degree of skill and understanding that may be unsurpassed in modern history. The American journal Human Behavior Magazine said of him, “Vernon is probably the clearest writer on these subjects in the English language.”
His warmth and refreshing sense of humor made him a delightful subject for interviews, talk shows and articles.
In 1983 Michael Benner of station KLOS in Los Angeles, California said, “Vernon Howard is one of the most powerful speakers I have ever interviewed; he has an uncanny ability to cut through the fluff and puff and jolt people into seeing who they really are. At times humorous and gentle, at other times demanding and forceful. Vernon Howard holds the record for generating responses to our KLOS talk shows. Not everyone likes his message but I can’t imagine anyone turning him off.”
Today more than 7 million readers worldwide enjoy his exceptionally clear and inspiring presentations of the great truths of the ages. Libraries, bookstores, health food stores and church bookshops all over the world sell Vernon Howard books, booklets, cassette tapes and videotapes. His material is widely used by doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, clergymen, counselors, educators and people from all walks of life.
Incredibly, the only topic Vernon Howard ever wrote about was the higher self and the way out of the human problem he discovered was an in-depth appreciation of the vital difference between the two selves of the psyche.
For 25 years before engaging in public instruction Vernon studied every published work on every know mystic, immersed himself in the teachings of every known religion and persuasion, and eventually arrived at a single conviction: without exception they all focused on the higher self and how to access it.
The moral for aspiring authors…
Find yourself a mentor from ages past; a master wordsmith to guide and inspire you, to lift your writing output several stanzas above the norm.
Jim Green is an online entrepreneur and established author with an ever-growing string of niche bestselling titles to his credit. He broadcasts and lectures on the subject of niche non-fiction and you can find details of his famous creative writing course at this website