Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My System Works Even Better When You Apply It To Real Websites
Go to bt.yahoo.com and enter ‘how to products’ in the search box and you will find that http://howtoproducts-xl.com ranks at No.1 out of 1,850,000,000 competitive pages (yes, one billion, 850 million).
Go to Google.com and enter ‘writing for profit’ in the search box and you will find that http://www.writing-for-profit.com ranks at No.1 out of 44,900,000 competitive pages.
What I achieved…
So too can you for your own websites if you follow the simple instructions that accompany the tool.
You can view the system at this website…
How a Spoof Website Grabbed 3217 Email Addresses in a Matter of Weeks
The crazy notion rattling around in a disordered dream finally forced me out of bed at 2.45am. I staggered to my computer, knocked out a sketchy to-do list, and crawled back bleary-eyed to my pit.
Six hours later I set about my task and here is what I did…
First I checked in at searchenginewatch.com to review the most popular keywords of the day.
Then I visited Google Zeitgeist where an unlikely keyword phrase was ranking at No.2 in the Top 15.
Next I wrapped some text around the keyword phrase, peppered it with a few similar keywords; enough text in all to form a mini web page.
Now I set up a spoof site and tagged it to an existing URL.
I broke up the text with a form; compliments of responders.com
I injected some magic into the Meta tags to lure the spiders.
Finally I committed my page to the tender mercies of a battery of search engines.
Ten days on and here is what was happening…
The site had an Alexa ranking of 198.
It had captured the No.1 Spot for the core keyword phrase on Google, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, Lycos and Ask Jeeves.
My hosting service traffic stats reported 18,945 visitors.
The form had grabbed 3217 email addresses.
Some little time later I pulled down my temporary web page, putting an end to the quality of exposure most marketers would bite their own ass to achieve.
Who needs an inbox choked with a bucket load of subscriptions to a hypothetical newsletter linked to an unidentified product, the development of which (given the keyword phrase) Einstein would have hard put to get his head around…
Why did a crazy notion prompt me to do all this?
I was testing out a new system that claims it can seduce the spiders to visit ANY website.
What is the system?
You can read about it if you wish by visiting this website http://websiteoptimization.howtoproducts-xl.com/