One morning in early August 2010 I awoke to irrefutable verification that I had entered the first day of my 80th year on this planet.
Despite the relentless march of time I am still writing, painting watercolors, creating and running online businesses.
But above all, writing.
As a right brain dominant person I recall that my far off schooldays were absolute torture; endless boredom and the way classes were taught created frustration as I tried in vain to learn through instruction that was left brain oriented.
The only subjects I excelled in were English and Art (both right brain fodder) and they have been providing me with a living ever since.
If like me you are right-brained by nature but trapped in your left brain by a society that insists you stay there to cope with everyday pressures, then think again.
You could do as I did several decades ago and train yourself to become whole-brained…
How does that work?
In the middle of the left/right-brain continuum lie the whole-brained who can access the strengths of both the left- and right-brained populations.
You can think of whole-brained thinking any number of ways:
• You are riding the line between creative and analytical: between the pop psychology definitions of right-brained and left-brained.
• You are successfully integrating your brain's subcomponents into one powerful processor.
• You are tapping into your inner beauty, your complexity, your life fractal; you're riding the line between chaos and stagnation and loving every moment of it.
Time was already at a premium when I first started writing in earnest sixteen years ago but my freshly acquired skill of whole-brained thinking enabled me to crank out 37 books; all of which were traditionally published and all of which are best sellers in their respective niche.
My 38th title (ISBN 9781845284206) was published in June 2010 and has already entered the best seller lists.
No matter what age you are (or perceive yourself to be) whole-brained thinking will empower you to galvanize your creative writing but do so in such a manner that your work will have a better than evens chance of being published, attaining best seller status, and in the process opening the door to a myriad of residual and incremental earning opportunities.
JIM GREEN is a bestselling author with 38 traditionally published titles in the realms of fiction and non-fiction
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Magical Things Happen When You Aspire to Best Seller Status!
When you aspire to best seller status before you write a single word of your book, magical things really do happen; phenomenal occurrences such as….
• You multiply the odds one hundredfold of having a proposal for publication accepted;
• You open the door to a myriad of residual and incremental earning opportunities.
Here is an early example from my own experience…
I wrote Starting Your Own Business (How To Books Limited ISBN 9781845284206) way back in 1994, was offered a contract for traditional publication within days of submitting my proposal, and just six months later thrilled at watching my first book, my first ever best seller fly off the shelves of major chains.
Over the years this pragmatic volume has enjoyed five editions together with multiple reprints and now a sixth edition is set for release worldwide in June 2010.
15 years on the bookshelves of major chains is a long time in the publishing industry for a single title and (despite the fact the content has remained unchanged; only updated as required) it shows no sign of slowing down.
But this wasn’t a one-off because my good fortune continued and from just 2 topics I created another 16 bestselling non-fiction books.
Then in 2000 I turned my hand to fiction and began to churn out a steady stream of best selling novels in this new-to-me genre…
And yet at the outset no one was more amazed than me at the flyaway impact of my first book; my first best seller.
You see, it was only after I set about researching to flesh out what makes a book a best seller; dissecting, stripping down, and evaluating the ingredients of my own best selling work that the full force of what I had accomplished hit me right between the eyeballs…
I had subconsciously created a best selling book…
Could you CONSCIOUSLY write a best seller?
Check out if you have what it takes …
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Cash In On Your Rejection Slips!

What do you do with your rejected books; titles that have been turned down time after time by traditional publishing houses?
Bin the manuscripts? Don’t do it.
There is a tried and tested way to make money from them; residual and incremental income.
rejected non-fiction,
rejection slip,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Submitting to Directories Can Drive You Crazy

Ease the strain by downloading the ingenious Viral Submitter software at absolutely no charge - just a small favor in return...
no charge,
press release,
social media,
viral submitter
Friday, January 29, 2010
No Charge!

Help yourself to one of my top selling creative writing products at absolutely no financial outlay!
25 Fact-Packed Text Modules Containing All You Need to Know from Crafting Tentative Drafts to Seeing Your Books on Major Book Chain Shelves
7 Unique Creative Writing Software Tools
creative writing,
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text modules,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Why Project Researches Are Every Writer’s Stock-in-Trade

You should never ever dispose of your research material.
Why shouldn’t you do that?
Quite simply because you never know when it might come in handy; the questions to which you found answers for your first project will return again and again in different guises when you set about researching on new book concepts.
Never dispose of any research material; store it away securely for future reference.
You may have to do some updating but even so, the task won’t be nearly so difficult with a benchmark to start from.
Easier said then done though when your research material is all over the place in your computer...
This came home to me like a sore thumb when I set about researching on a new book project just recently.
I knew I had all the material I needed somewhere but as I had switched computers several times in the interim, much of it was still lurking in storage sticks.
Wouldn't it be great I thought if there was a piece of software that eradicated vexatious researching?
I looked but I couldn't find such a virtual panacea - so I created my own...
My new software is simple to operate, stores everything in one place, and prompts me with calls to action.
What it does in essence:
· Displays vital data on formatting options
· Stores statistics on previous surveys I have undertaken
· Reminds me to check whether my topic is as hot as I think it is
· Prompts me how to double-check on bestselling potential in my work
· Does likewise on the longevity factor
· Lays out the essentials for preparing an acceptable proposal for fiction;
· Does likewise for non-fiction topics
· Triggers my attention to fine toothcomb checks on publishing contracts
· Gives me a rundown on the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a literary agent
· Cautions me on the pitfalls of self publishing without due diligence
· Provides me with a failsafe strategy for online book selling
This clever little tool does more besides...
Check it out and get a free PDF taster while you’re there.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Getting Your Book Published Despite Constant Rejection

You try and try and try again to get your book published but each time you try commissioning authors relentlessly respond with a terse, painful, “NO!”.
Stop beating yourself up over rejection – you are not to blame for the fact that you have yet to savour success in getting a book published - and you are not alone.
It's getting more difficult to achieve publication with each day that passes…
The book trade is now almost totally geared towards bestsellers and celebrities.
Breaking in new published authors and placing their work in bookshops is no easy matter.
Finding a Formula for Getting Published
I took up writing on a part time basis fifteen years ago and to date have churned out 37 traditionally published books, all of which have attained bestseller status in their respective niche.
With 37 published titles under my belt, it is reasonable to assume that I might just be in possession of information contrary to the reality of rejection that many less fortunate writers experience…
What interest could this statement hold for you?
Just this: what I have achieved so too can you (perhaps even more) if you apply yourself diligently to the timeless secrets that all successful writers have used down the ages.
What are these timeless secrets?
• Discovering the Route to Capitalizing on Your Innate Expertise
• Adopting Proven Formatting Techniques that Others Writers Ignore
• Developing Your Own Distinctive Writing Style
• Waking Up to What Never Fails to Impress Commissioning Editors
• Selecting Topics that Stimulate Publisher Interest
• Being Conscious of Why Guides and Manuals are in Perpetual Demand
• Learning How to Incorporate Bestselling Potential into Your Work
• Crafting a Timeless Niche for Your Book
• Uncovering a Hidden Technique for Locating Appropriate Publishers
• Writing a Winning Book Proposal for a Work of Fiction
• Mastering the Guidelines for Submitting a Non-Fiction Book Proposal
• Diligently Preparing Your Proposal for Acceptance
• Realizing Why Multiple Submissions Always Bite the Dust
• Knowing What to Ensure Before You Sign a Contract
• Always Retaining Copyright and Other Valuable Rights
• Understanding How to Address the Author Questionnaire Correctly
• Employing the Services of a Literary Agent Where Feasible
• Placing Your Work Elsewhere While You Await Obtain a Publishing Contract
• Being Aware of How to Self Publish without Incurring Huge Costs
Embryonic authors who take the trouble to sift through the information overload that strives to stifles all of us soon harness these timeless secrets and employ them to break down the barriers.
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